Twitter Is Reportedly Willing To Expand Character Limit To 10,000

After plans to test a non-chronological timeline, rumour has it that Twitter could ditch the 140-character limit very soon – possibly at the end of Q1 2016, according to multiple sources familiar with the company’s plans.

Also Read: Twitter Unveils New Measures To Curb Abusive Tweets And Behaviours

According to re/code, Twitter might allow users to write as many as 10,000 characters in a single tweet. If you’re starting to freak out, let me put your mind at ease: the feed would keep the same layout as now – with the 140 characters per tweet – and if the tweet is longer, the extra text would be revealed only if users clicked on a call-to-action button. So you shouldn’t be seeing random people’s 10,000-character rants anytime soon… Unless you want to of course.

The goal here, is to improve the Twitter experience, to make it more valuable, with more content, and larger images. All things considered, the plan remains relatively vague though, as sources close to the project have said that the character limit could still change.


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Jack Dorsey and his team are walking on thin-ice. On the one hand, they are trying to come up with innovative features to bring in new users, but at the same time they are making major moves that could alienate loyal Twitter users. If this change comes to life in the near future, it will be interesting to see how users react, and whether it would actually benefit Twitter as far as user acquisition is concerned.

By changing a feature that has been around since day 1, would Twitter shoot itself in the foot? Would it kill its identity? What do you think?
