Twitter Brings Spaces To On Desktop And Mobile

Twitter is bringing its audio feature Twitter Spaces to desktop, a platform where Clubhouse does not even have a presence.

Move over Clubhouse, Twitter is winning the social audio war.

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Clubhouse may have celebrated 1 million downloads on Android this week, the app is not moving fast enough. Not only did Twitter bring Spaces to Android weeks before Clubhouse, but Twitter is also now bringing the whole audio experience to Yes, that means Spaces is now available on your desktop too.


And that is not all. Twitter said in a tweet that it will also focus on “infrastructure and a listening user interface that adapts to people’s screen size; the ability to set reminders for scheduled Spaces; and accessibility and transcriptions.”

Twitter began testing Spaces on iOS last November before opening it to more users in early 2021. In March Twitter brought Spaces to Android, although users could only join and participate in audio chats, not create them. In May, Twitter said that any user (Android, or IOS) with 600 or more followers could not host a Space, with the objective to let every user access the feature over the coming weeks.

Twitter likes audio, and it’s winning the race. For now.
