Twitter Blue: 4,000 Characters To Do What?

Twitter introduced its longest character limit ever, but only for paying Twitter Blue subscribers.

Twitter has launched a longer tweet feature, giving Twitter Blue subscribers the ability to post up to 4,000 characters in one single tweet. While this is not the first time Twitter has expanded its character limit (the current 280-character limit was introduced in 2017,) this marks a significant departure for the platform that wanted to incarnate “micro-blogging” in its shortest form.

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Sure, 280 characters felt like a nice improvement, allowing for more flexibility in using hashtags, Emojis and a little more color to the content. But what now? Did we really need 4,000 characters?


The new longer tweets also come with several limitations.

First, and that is probably a good thing, longer tweets will not be shown in their entirety in the feed. Instead, the tweets will show in your timeline with a “show more” button to kept it from taking your entire screen.

Perhaps more concerning is that you will not be able to save as draft or schedule a tweet that is over the standard 280 characters. Immediately that should tell you that there will be nothing spontaneous about longer tweets and that you should probably craft and save them outside of Twitter before posting.

Other than that, the new longer 4,000-character tweets will offer the usual features such as adding hashtags, links and images or video. Twitter Blue subscribers will also have the ability to quote retweet and reply with 4,000 characters.

Last, but not least, it seems the new longer tweet features was released in a rush as it apparently broke many features on Twitter with users reporting issues with following new users or interacting with some tweets.

Of course, the company will surely fix all the above issues and limitations. But the main question remains, what are users going to do with 4,000 characters? By the look of what happened on Twitter yesterday, it might not be as interesting as Musk may have thought…

If you ask me…

