Twitter 2015: A Year In Review

As 2015 draw to an end, we all start looking back at all the good and bad things that happened. They help us evaluate each situation and plan ahead. It’s the same with social networks – and this year, Twitter is the first of them to publish its own year in review.

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So, who dominated the Twitter charts? It’s been quite an eventful year, we must admit. Elections, singers, famous splits and weddings and tragedies happening at almost every corner of the world. Many “colourful” events dominated the Twitter headlines, bringing fans and friends together to exchange ideas, or start heated conversations.

In any case, it’s been a busy year and Twitter has made four lists that show us the most influential subjects of discussion, the new voices that added some extra “spice” to our timelines, the most retweeted tweets and last but not least, the trends that emerged throughout the year.


On the most influential subjects of discussion, one may find all the milestones of the current state of affairs. First on the list, #PrayForParis and #JeSuisCharlie, two hashtags that brought humanity together, united against terrorism. #BlackLivesMatter emerged as one of the most powerful social movements in 2015, and #RefugeesWelcome taught us the value of opening our hearts and minds to people in need.

On the most retweeted tweets in 2015, don’t hold your breath, because they are all quite predictable here. As expected, One Direction occupied the charts, and even the most absurd tweets got a hefty amount of engagement. Among the highly musical list, one may also find President Obama – or POTUS – tweets.

Of course, a lot of significant people joined the network as well. First of all, the person formerly known as Bruce Jenner, Ms. Caitlyn Jenner, with a ‘C’. The interesting fact is that she holds the world record for the Twitter account that reached over a million followers in the shortest amount of time. Impressive!

Last but not least, the trends that defined the year. Whether in music, TV, news or sports, a variety of trends emerged, covering the entire globe and hosting conversations that united users under a common topic.

On to 2016!

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