This Startup Says It Can Authenticate You Based On Your Typing Style

TypingDNA is raising $7 million in funding to further develop its AI-driven technology that can recognize people based on the way they type.

Started four years ago in Bucharest, Romania, and recently headquartered in Brooklyn, New York,  TypingDNA claims it can authenticate you based on your typing style. The startup is developing its own AI-driven “typing biometrics technology” that works both on laptops and mobile devices.

Typing biometrics is the detailed timing information that records exactly when each key is pressed or tapped as a way to identify each individual’s unique typing style. While the research itself can be traced back to almost 20 years ago, TypingDNA is the first startup to develop AI recognition technology, bringing its accuracy rate near 99.9%.


TypingDNA is an API-ready software that records keystroke dynamics, turns them into typing patterns, and uses those to authenticate users against their own recorded previous patterns. On top of access control (using typing patterns in lieu of passwords), TypingDNA is also working with educational institutes to maintain the integrity of typed assessments and avoid plagiarism.

Try it for yourself, thanks to TypingDNA’s Chrome extension.

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