The Best YouTube ads of 2018!

YouTube, in partnership with The Webby Awards, invited Internet users to vote for their favorite ads of the year. Congratulations to the winners of 2018.

The Internet users have spoken and we now know which were the best YouTube ads of 2018.  The votes were casted among 7 categories:

#TheYouTubeAd That…


  1. Turns an Ad into Action (get viewers to engage)
  2. Taught Me (tutorials, How-tos, product reviews)
  3. Frees Your Inner Gamer (gaming ad)
  4. Has Six Appeal (6-second ad)
  5. Deserves Best Picture (cinematic)
  6. Rewrites the Rules (calling for change)
  7. Makes Me 🤣 (funniest ad)

And the 2018 winners are…

#TheYouTubeAd That Turns an Ad into Action

#TheYouTubeAd That Taught Me

#TheYouTubeAd That Frees Your Inner Gamer

#TheYouTubeAd That Has Six Appeal

#TheYouTubeAd That Deserves Best Picture

#TheYouTubeAd That Rewrites the Rules

#TheYouTubeAd That Makes Me 🤣

Check out the complete list of nominees on YouTube.

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