Telegram’s Latest Update Brings Some Useful New Features

Telegram, one of the world’s most well-loved secure messaging apps just got a massive update, bringing several new features to its users.

Among other things, the new version 4.7 of Telegram brings themes. Users can choose what their conversations will look like, by choosing between four different themes. There are all kinds of options – minimal, light, or dark.

The most important addition though, may be the ability to switch between accounts. Many users have said that it was frustrating switching from the account used for professional discussions, to the one used for personal chats, as they would have to go through the login/log out process. However, Telegram’s latest version resolves this issue once and for all.

Users can add up to three accounts with different phone numbers to their Telegram app, and then quickly switch between them from the side menu.


Additionally, quick replies are also now available both for iOS and Android users. To make the most of the feature, users simply swipe left on any message in a chat.

Version 4.7 extends the previous one which brought, auto-downloading media, better link previews, albums in Secret Chats, improved security, and message embedding.

Although not as widely known, Telegram now counts 180 million active monthly users. That’s still far fewer users than WhatsApp or Messenger, however the platform has been growing steadily, making it a strong contender in the race to be the most popular of secure messaging apps.

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