Jason Voorhees Tells New Yorkers To Wear A Mask Too

New Yorkers have been told to wear a mask when out in public. And if they did not listen to Governor Cuomo, they may want to listen to Jason Voorhees.

Let’s be clear: wear a mask, it can save your life and the life of others.

Wearing a mask when out in public is mandatory in New York. Governor Cuomo is adamant and he is right. But some people still don’t listen. So Ogilvy Health and Chimney had an idea: What if one of America’s most famous mask wearer told them?


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In the video, a large man in a hockey mask wanders around New York City. Wherever he goes, people go out of their way to avoid him. You may think that is because the man looks like Jason Voorhees, one of the most famous slasher-movie killers ever. But that is not the case. Watch the video until the end and you will understand.


Toby Trygg, executive creative director of Ogilvy Health, explained that he had been eager to respond to Governor Cuomo’s call for PSAs about mask-wearing.

The team hired an actor to play Jason, everyone else in the video being employees or friends and families. The team used smartphones as monitors in order to keep social distancing protocols.

Director: Sam O’Hare
OgilvyHealth Executive Creative Director: Toby Trygg
Freelance Creative Director: Ace-Henry McEnroe
Executive Producer: Jake Loonan
Head of Production: Julie Hershan
Head of Post: Nicole Melius
Director of Editorial: Glenn Conte
Colorist: Lez Rudge
Conform: Joel Myers
VFX: Felix Thedeby
Mix/Sound Design: Owen Shearer, Sonic Union
