Google Meet On Glass Beta Is Now Available To All Workspace Customers

Google Meet video conferencing is rolling out fuller support for Google Glass with an open beta of Meet on Glass Enterprise Edition 2.

Google has been running a closed beta of Google Meet on Glass Enterprise Edition 2 since last year. After gathering feedback from global participants, Google is now opening up the beta to all Workspace users.

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With Meet on Glass, as opposed to other online video conferencing tools, participants on a call get to see what the Google Glass wearer sees via their headset camera. This feature, according to Google, makes Meet on Glass a collaborative remote troubleshooting tool for the business-focused Glass Enterprise Edition.


Furthermore, it enhances sharing, teamwork, and presentation, among coworkers, employees, suppliers, and partners by eliminating the need to hold a videocamera, gifting it a hands-free experience.

“Ease of use—both for Google Meet and for Glass—and speed to join a video meeting are top priorities,” the announcement reads. Users aren’t required to do anything complicated to use Glass during a meeting. All they have to do is choose their meeting from the Calendar on Glass to join a meeting instantly.

Meet’s immersive experience can be accessed from any compatible device; however, the possibilities for real-time connection and problem-solving are even greater when combined with Google Meet hardware and peripherals.

The technology development is part of Google’s ongoing venture toward creating “innovative and immersive meeting experiences that help people feel like they’re working together, not just meeting together.”

Glass is Google’s often overlooked consumer product. The enterprise headset currently sells for $999, similar to Microsoft HoloLens and Magic Leap headsets.
