Fun Pop Mashup Of The Week #54

Friday, baby! I am getting my Christmas tree this weekend and am very excited! I am also making my own popcorn tinsel garlands for the second year, so I will mostly be eating and cleaning popcorn off surfaces for the next couple of days. I am also off to Belgium next week, so next Friday’s mash will come to you from a Christmas Market and will be laced with Belgian beer. BRACE yourselves.

Also Read: Scientists Claim That Tweets Can Prevent Road Accidents

Let’s tuck right into the mash.

Facebook At Work

Facebook at Work is totally coming to all in the new year and it’s going to be monetised. In the next few months in fact. After yonks of arduous testing, it will be nearly identical to its “leisure” counterpart, with a “feed”, “likes” and chat service.


The service will be open to all companies once fully live and FB plans to charge “a few dollars per month per user” for features like as analytics and customer support. Consider that the online recruitment market is worth over $6 billion and it’s main players are LinkedIn and Monster, Facebook will certainly take a big bite out of that tasty pie (chart).

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Given that LinkedIn’s new app revamp did not go down well with users, Facebook at Work will be the breath of “same air” people have been waiting for. It will be over 90% the same as the platform we know and love, minus the annoying games. If you already are one of the lucky ones that have it what do you think?

Twitter Pop

The most popular tweets of 2015 have been revealed! They are a telling insight into the fact that the world is not a horrible place full of horrible people. Most of us are caring, empathetic creatures willing to share our thoughts and opinions to make this a better place.

Here are the top #s:

#JeSuisParis, expressing solidarity with the French capital after the recent attacks, came in as the most used of the year.

#BlackLivesMatter also features in the top tweets with over nine million mentions over the year.

#MarriageEquality featured heavily as well with the legalisation of same sex marriages in the US and Ireland. People celebrating around the world made it the third most used # of the year.

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#RefugeesWelcome with thousands of refugees arriving in Europe from the Middle East and Africa, people around the world expressed their empathy and care for those seeking refuge from the horrors of war and unrest.

#IStandWithAhmed, #NationalElections and #PlutoFlyBy also feature, each of them having been tweeted 1 million times or more. It definitely shows Twitter as a sounding board for kind, empathetic users, and it is certainly refreshing to know they are the #s prevailing in the current incendiary climate.

Also in 2015, @Snowden joined Twitter in September, saying “Can you hear me now?”, Kanye West announced his candidacy to the 2020 elections and was the most tweeted about single moment so far.  Bruce Jenner created @Caitlyn_Jenner, introducing her to the world.

There’s three weeks to go, how will this leaderboard change?

Snapchat Interview

Want to work for Snapchat? Here are a few questions you can expect in your interview should you make it that far. These are real questions posed to actual candidates for different roles:

– “Who would you bring to Mars with you, and what values would you want the team there to have?” — Trust and Safety Specialist candidate
– “You get asked to create a part of a [Snapchat] Story during the in-person interview process.” — Content Analyst candidate
– “What is your favourite author and director?” — Content Analyst candidate
– “How would you solve bullying on Snapchat?” — Content Specialist candidate
– “Describe how you would design a quadcopter.” — Lead EE Architect candidate

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Hurrah for straightforward interviews! Except the last one…

Tumblr Review

Tumblr has released its year in review for 2015. It includes lists of top content over the past year, with categories like Most Reblogged Memes, Most Reblogged Albums, Most Viral Tumblrs, etc.

In the Most Reblogged Actors and Actresses category we have Chris Evans as king of all actors in 2015. Teen star Zendaya is the year’s most reblogged actress, and Amy Poehler, my favourite comedienne, is in at number three. Yes, Amy!

The most reblogged meme is Pepe the Frog, the most reblogged song was Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson. There is also the most “reblogged ships” – and no, I do not mean the naval kind. This is relationships, real or fictitious, and at the top spot we have Larry Stylinson – the couple that is Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. I know.

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Have a little look, it’s terribly good fun!


Another week, another YouTube chart. Here we have the most watched ads of 2015. Brands like Adidas, Durex, Samsung and Budweiser all made the top 10. All ads combined have had over 470 million views in 2015. And about 2/3 of those 470 million views were on a mobile.

Here’s number one

with over 80 million and featuring Mr. Neeson and here’s number 10, and my favorite,

Budweiser’s “Lost Dog” from the #BestBuds campaign.

The others are:

Have a great weekend! Don’t eat anything I wouldn’t!
