Facebook Pages Can Now Join Facebook Groups

Your Facebook Page can now join Facebook Groups as members, something that was only possible for individuals until now.

Facebook has recently added a new setting in Groups for admins to allow Facebook Pages to join their Groups. The new feature was spotted by Mari Smith and shared on Twitter by Matt Navarra:

Until now, only individual users could join Facebook Groups, post and comment within them. This was an issue for many public figures, publishers and charities – which often use Pages instead of personal profiles.

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed the new feature, saying: “We’ve heard from people that engaging with public figures, non-profits, publishers, and businesses in a more intimate setting can be meaningful. We previously launched the ability for Pages to start Facebook Groups so that they can engage with their communities. We are now testing the ability for Pages to join existing Facebook Groups as well.”

As pointed out, the new setting is being tested, and may not yet be available to all Groups.

Many Facebook Pages stand to benefit from this new feature, giving them access to new communities they were kept away from until now. It should immediately have a positive impact on engagement levels within Groups as well, as Pages will now be able to like and comment on on-going conversations with its members.

Have you seen the new setting in your Groups?

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