Axe debuted the new ‘Get Axeinated’ campaign to push for more Americans to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
And the campaign is clearly aimed at Gen Z.
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In an effort to encourage more Zoomers to get the vaccine, Axe is launching a new ‘Get Axeinated’ campaign. The message is simple and targets the young generation who is looking to get back into the dating scene, saying that “being vaccinated is hot.”
“Getting vaccinated is a very hot topic that younger generations are discussing now, as updated vaccine guidelines are widening to younger age groups,” Mark Lodwick, Axe’s brand director, said. He added that being “fully vaccinated” is a popular status on people’s dating profiles these days.
As part of the campaign, shoppers can visit to receive a free limited-edition Axeination kit, which includes a can of body spray and an Axeination certificate. The Unilever brand will also give away kits at an “Axeination Station” on June 22 in Atlanta, where it reports vaccination rates are low among young people.
“The pandemic disrupted life as our Gen Z guys knew it, leaving many anxious about getting back out there. So as a brand rooted in attraction, we saw a unique opportunity to play a role in encouraging vaccinations tied to this interesting and evolving dating moment. We want guys to get informed, get their shots, and feel confident doing it, and if AXE can help along the way, even better,” Lodwick added