4 Apps To Help You Track Your Productivity And Focus

Disruption is real. And I don’t mean the fancy tech buzzword, I mean the actual lack of focus and loss of productivity. Be it phone notifications, or a cute cat video, it’s common for people to struggle to focus and stay productive during their work-day.

I have looked for professional productivity tools for some time now, and have tried dozens of them, sometimes flooding my screen with trackers and whatnot. Now, I don’t mean you should do the same, but you could consider the list below so that you can pick and work with the ones that can help you make a difference in your 9 to 5.

Rethink Your Calendar With Pod

Pod helps you get rid of all the calendar “junk” that clutters your screen, your life, and possibly your mental health. What is calendar “junk?” Duplicate events, OOO placeholders, unrelated holidays or reminders. Does this sound familiar? Give Pod a go (it’s free!) and keep only what’s really important on your calendar. Pod gives you a clear view and access to your events, and even the emails related to them. It also comes with smart integrations such as relationship management through lists.

wersm pod calendar view

A Bear For All Your Passwords

Apart from having a brilliant, “fluffy” name, RememBear is an app that helps you store and retrieve all your passwords securely. RememBear also types in your passwords, right when you need them. What convinced me? It’s end-to-end 256-bit encrypted and it’s independently audited to further ensure that whatever’s valuable stays really out of public sight. Download it here, but you can also find the iOS version here.

RememBear: Password Managerz

CardHop Your Contacts

If you have many business and personal contacts in a single device, and keep on forgetting who’s who, or where you know someone from, then CardHop is your new best friend. CardHop not only organises your contacts but also lets you interact with them in a fun way. Let me explain. CardHop works with your existing contacts and lets you append notes to them, without having to perform any extra clicks. Just type in naturally, and it will figure it out for you. See it in action below. It’s insanely smart!

Track Your Time With Qbserve

This is perfect for freelancers. Keep distractions away, manage your time and bill accordingly with this fantastic tool. Qbserve keeps track of what you do on your Mac, and compiles a productivity report. This way you get to know exactly what you’re working on, where you’re spending your time, and develop more productive habits. Did I mention that it generates invoices based on your data, too?

wersm qbserve app

[box]Read next: 5 Things You Should Be Doing On Your Commute[/box]
