3 Courses To Help You Create Better Video Content For Your Ads

. This week’s free Blueprint courses will help you hone the tools and techniques to really take your video content to the next level.

Learn how to make DIY videos that stand out, how to shoot stop motion videos, or how to create awesome Instagram stories using features within the app.


Related | 3 Courses To Help You Get Started With Facebook And Instagram Insights

How To Make DIY Videos Stand Out

This course will give you tips on using techniques like panning in your videos. Panning is a well-known film style that creates “a panoramic effect” as the camera moves from one end to the other. Learn how to shoot a super-smooth panning video, using things you have at home.

Take the course.

Tips On Building Creative Ads In Instagram Stories

Creating great creative ads shouldn’t break the bank! This course will show you how to use just free tools that are found within Instagram Stories to experiment with text, filters, or stickers to create original and engaging content.

Take the course.

How To Create Stop Motion Video

This course will teach you how to use a video editing app called VideoShop to create your own stop motion content. Learn to create exciting stop motion videos for your business using just one simple tool, to add text, filters, and music.

Take the course.

Photo by Dan Cook on Unsplash
