5 Stats That Show How Big Video Is On Facebook

From the end of 2014, to the end of 2015, video on Facebook grew by a staggering 7 billion views per day. And this is only the beginning. Back in 2014, Mark Zuckerberg himself claimed that 5 years later, “most of Facebook would be video.”

Today, it seems that his prediction is turning out to be true, much earlier than initially thought.

In the infographic below, Bold Content Video Production looked into 5 main stats that show how big video has really become on Facebook.


1. People Spend 3x More Time Watching Live Video

When Facebook announced “Live”, its own live video broadcasting feature, many predicted the end of Meerkat and some troubled times for Periscope. And this is exactly what has happened.

Facebook Live is democratising live video, by rendering the technology accessible to everyone. And it works: today, Facebook users are spending up to 3x more time watching live video than pre-recorded.

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Facebook has noticed this, and has decided to push Live videos even more in our Newsfeed. Latest figures show that people spend 3x longer watching live video compared to a video that’s pre-recorded.:

[quote]We’re making a small update to News Feed so that Facebook Live videos are more likely to appear higher in News Feed when those videos are actually live, compared to after they are no longer live.[/quote]

2. We Post 75% More Videos Than One Year Ago

Not only do we watch more videos on Facebook than ever before, we also produce and share more. In 2015, the number of videos shared on the platform by users increased by 75% globally.

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In the U.S., this number is even higher, with Facebook users sharing up to 94% more video posts than they did just a year ago.

3. Facebook Generates 8 Billion Daily Video Views

In 2014, there were just 1 billion video views on Facebook per day. A year later, that number has grown to a staggering 8 billion daily video views, and that is absolutely amazing.

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Of course, there is an ongoing debate about what qualifies as a video view. Some believe that Facebook’s standards to count a view after just 3 seconds is not up to industry standards, especially when YouTube only counts a view after the user has watched at least 30 seconds.

4. People Have Watched Over 1 Million Hours Of Video On Samsung VR

When Facebook announced it would launch a dedicated video library for Samsung VR, it was not exactly obvious why the company made such a decision. After all, Facebook had acquired Oculus and it seemed surprising to help boost usage of Samsung VR Gear.

However, Facebook has now announced that over 1 million hours of video have already been consumed on Samsung VR… not such a bad idea after all then, right?

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5. Videos Have a 135% Greater Organic Reach Compared To Photos

If you still needed one more reason to start using video more on your Facebook channels, this one should do the job. Video (live or not) generates up to 135% more organic reach than a photo post on Facebook.

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At times when organic reach seem to be decreasing for everyone on Facebook, video might just be the solution.


