TikTok has launched a pro-kindness, anti-bullying campaign together with six of its best graphic animators.
TikTok has just launched its new #CreateKindness global campaign, a creative video series aimed at raising awareness around cyberbullying as well as creating and cultivating an inclusive environment on the platform.
On the @TikTokTips account, you can already browse the series of animated works from six distinct creator-animators, inviting the community to choose, celebrate, and create kindness with one another.
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The videos offer perspectives on how to counter bullying, raising awareness of the emotional damages this causes, and reminding the community why it’s important to work together to prevent it.
The artists involved in the campaign express their experiences with distinctive animation arts and voices, before revealing themselves towards the end of each video. This structure was chosen to express an important message: real humans are behind accounts, and they deserve kindness and respect.
Among TikTok’s kindest communities are in the US, Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico. These are the countries where heart stickers and creative effects to express kindness are most used (on 2 billion videos, globally, to be exact).
At the same time, the initiative provides a platform of attention for the brilliant work of designers of animated graphics. As an artistic expression that fits well with the short video format on TikTok, animations have been steadily gaining popularity.
One of the six selected for the campaign, @king.science, creator of the featured “What We Don’t See“, has 11.6 followers on the platform. Others, such as @kellyemmrich will benefit from the visibility of the campaign where she presents “I Want to Hold On To,” her creative take on how to overcome negative comments by focusing on the communities that celebrate her.
TikTok is also inviting all creators to join the initiative by spreading kindness with the #CreateKindness hashtag challenge.
The aim of promoting well-being and positive online behavior has seen TikTok previously take actions like deleting content and accounts associated with harassment and bullying – or allowing creators to delete comments or accounts in bulk.
The platform has also partnered with anti-bullying supporters such as the Cyberbullying Research Center.